Providing aid to low-income residents of New Orleans and Southeast Louisiana.
All programs offered by TCA are eligible for individuals and families that are low to moderate income. Each program has its own individual income eligibility requirements. A limited number of programs serve age restrictions such as senior citizen services or youth services but they must also meet the income eligibility requirements. Community Services presently defined eligibility as up to 125% of the poverty level.
As a community service organization, Total Community Action, Inc. continues to meet the objectives and goals in which it was originally established, to provide aid to low-income residents of New Orleans and Southeast Louisiana. Our programs address areas deemed critical to ensuring the future of our community at large and we have channeled our efforts and resources toward Education, Economic Development, and Health & Wellness. To achieve our goals, we have established the following programs:
Energy Assistance
We assist households in New Orleans to maintain affordable, continuous, and safe home energy. -
Neighborhood Services
TCA is a parish wide service agency for any and all eligible residents of Orleans Parish. We respond to the needs of our community through our decentralized, city-wide network. -
Community Services
Community Services is responsible for continuing to wage the direct war on poverty by developing and implementing programs that address the most serious needs of low-income residents. -
Children, Youth, & Families
Total Community Action, Inc.’s (TCA) Office for Children, Youth, and Families (OCYF) is responsible for agency programs that promote the economic and social well-being of families, children, and individuals.